CSS Solid

Start CSS / First CSS

1) Open Notepad (Windows -> Start -> Run -> notepad.exe)

2) Enter HTML, CSS code and save as <<filename>>.html (ex., helloworld.html).

3) Open HTML file (hellowworld.html) file using IE (Internet explorer) or Chrome or some other browsers (Select html file -> Right click -> Open With -> Choose Chrome/IE/other browser).

4) Result will be displayed.


1) Use web design software to code HTML and CSS. Web design software gives better HTML and CSS help during code.

2) Few web design software are

     a. Brackets (free open-source editor written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a primary focus on Web Development).

     b. Adobe Dreamweaver.

     c. Visual Studio Community version (Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers).