CSS Solid

Absolute units (pt, cm, in, mm, pc)

Absolute units are fixed units. Irrespective of any screen size (PC, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone), absolute units are occupy fixed amount of units/lengths.


p {

Example 1: Simple example to show absolute unit and relative unit.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> CSS Absolute units </title>
        .p1 {
            width: 10cm;
            border: 1px solid red;
        .p2 {
             width: 60%;
            border: 1px solid green;
    <p class="p1"> This para uses Absolute units</p>
    <p class="p2"> This para uses Relative units</p>


1) When full screen size, following is output.

Absolute and Relative unit example code output

2) When screen resize, following is output.

Absolute and Relative unit example code output during screen resize

In the above example,

  • First output shows, both P elements are taking almost same width.
  • Second output shows, first P element width is still absolute (not adjusted based on existing browser width). But second P element width is adjusted (60% of the total screen width) automatically based on existing browser width.

Example 2: Example to show different Absolute units usage.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> CSS Absolute units </title>
        .p1 {
             border:1px solid green;
            margin-left: 10pt;
        .p2 {
            border:1px solid green;
            margin-left: 1cm;
         .p3 {
              border:1px solid green;
              margin-left: 1in;
          .p4 {
               border:1px solid green;
               margin-left: 50mm;
           .p5 {
               border:1px solid green;
               margin-left: 10pc;
    <p class="p1"> P - margin-left: 10pt </p>
    <p class="p2"> P - margin-left: 1cm</p>
    <p class="p3"> P - margin-left: 1in</p>
    <p class="p4"> P - margin-left: 50mm</p>
    <p class="p5"> P - margin-left: 10pc</p>


Different Absolute units usage example code output

In the above example,

  • Each P element margin-left property used different absolute units.

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